Thursday, June 30, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
"A Greater Impact On The Environment Than Any Other Single Organism In History"

And it wasn't a good impact.
Back in the twenties, there were two difficult problems plaguing the auto and consumer goods industries in general and General Motors in particular: one was the tendancy of gasoline to burn too quickly and cause car engines to "knock", and the other was the ironic habit that refrigerator coolants had of catching fire and burning up the refrigerator.
General Motors subsidiary Dayton Research Labs put a certain Thomas Midgley jr, Cornell graduate in mechanical engineering, on the case. In 1922 he found that tetraethyl lead would do the trick. The problem, of course, is that lead is poisonous. GM marketed the additive under the deceitful brand name 'Ethyl', and set about fending off critics who pointed out the obvious. In the meantime, Midgley quietly took a years vacation during 1923 to recover from lead poisoning.
But the controversy wouldn't end. At the various plants that GM set up to produce the additive, there were numerous cases of hallucinations, insanity, and deaths due to lead poisoning. In Oct 1924, Midgley himself tried to put an end to the bad press by staging a public demonstration where he poured tetraethyl lead over his hands and then put the bottle under his nose and inhaled the fumes for 60 seconds, declaring that he could do this every day without harm.
He then quietly took another year's vacation to recover from the effects of this demonstration.
The next project was refrigerants. Compounds used at the time included ammonia, cloromethane, propane, and sulfur dioxide. Midgley and his team came up with the idea of combining fluorine with hydrocarbons creating dichlorofluoromethane, the first chlorofluorocarbon. The idea was to exploit the volatility of fluorine needed for refrigeration, but bond it to carbons for stability. This was marketed as 'Freon'. As a moral matter, one has to give Midgley a pass here, since it wasn't at all clear at the time that CFCs would damage the ozone layer and eventually be banned.
Midgley received a number of awards for his work, but fate was not done with him. In 1940, at the age of 51, Midgley contracted severe polio. He rigged up a system of "strings and pulleys" to help others lift him out of bed, but met his fate at the age of 55 when he became entangled in the device and strangled.
It is still possible to believe in the unqualified advance of technology and science, but it is clear now that often a technological solution causes almost as many problems as it solves. Some historians now even cast the Neolithic Revolution - the invention of farming - as an emergency stopgap measure that took on a life of its own, causing human populations to grow out of control. Clearly, things like atomic energy and automobiles are not unambiguous technological wins. Thomas Midgley's life reads like a parable of that phenomenon. In spades.
(p.s. the quote used as the title is from environmental historian J.R. McNeil)
Thursday, April 14, 2011
specialists are in disagreement as to whether the gop was in serious despair of any future happiness or merely attempting to draw attention do its serious and life-threatening teabag infestation last week when it committed an apparent act of suicide
the republican party attempted to, and may have succeeded in, alienating the most conservative and reliable block of conservative voters in the united states, senior citizens and those approaching that age, by announcing plans to destroy medicare and distribute the dismembered remains to its wealthy donors. the plan envisions handing out coupons that the elderly could use to attempt to purchase medical insurance on the open market
older people are, of course, the worst possible risk for health insurers. not only are they by far the most likely to need expensive care, but are also the least likely to be able to pay back the insurance companies
"it's not unusual that a teenager's desperate plea for attention goes wrong and results in serious lasting damage or death, and this might be what happened in this case" said dr ernest toungue. a therapist at the walgreen's medical center - a widely utilized source of health care including pap smears and other cancer testing - disagreed - "nobody in their right mind could imagine for a second that the american people would be stupid enough to fall for this - this was a deliberate attempt on the part of the republican party to destroy itself permamently"
the republican party attempted to, and may have succeeded in, alienating the most conservative and reliable block of conservative voters in the united states, senior citizens and those approaching that age, by announcing plans to destroy medicare and distribute the dismembered remains to its wealthy donors. the plan envisions handing out coupons that the elderly could use to attempt to purchase medical insurance on the open market
older people are, of course, the worst possible risk for health insurers. not only are they by far the most likely to need expensive care, but are also the least likely to be able to pay back the insurance companies
"it's not unusual that a teenager's desperate plea for attention goes wrong and results in serious lasting damage or death, and this might be what happened in this case" said dr ernest toungue. a therapist at the walgreen's medical center - a widely utilized source of health care including pap smears and other cancer testing - disagreed - "nobody in their right mind could imagine for a second that the american people would be stupid enough to fall for this - this was a deliberate attempt on the part of the republican party to destroy itself permamently"
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
strasbourg oaths, 842 AD

the first example of any of the romance languages that were evolving from latin, it's closer to modern catalan than anything else. there was to be no more substantial documentation of french, spanish, italian, or any other romance language until the eleventh century. the text is a single and unique flash of light illuminating dark age french
Pro Deo amur et pro Christian poblo et nostro commun salvament, d'ist di in avant, in quant Deus savir et podir me dunat, si salvarai eo cist meon fradre Karlo et in ajudha et in cadhuna cosa, si cum om per dreit son fradre salvar dist, in o quid il me altresi fazet, et ab Ludher nul plaid numquam prindrai, qui, meon vol, cist meon fradre Karle in damno sit
Si Lodhwigs sagrament que son fradre Karlo jurat conservat et Karlus, meos sendra, de suo part n lostanit, si io returnar non l'int pois, ne io ne neuls cui eo returnar int pois, in nulla ajudha contra Lodhuwig nun li iu er
(“For the love of God and for Christendom and our common salvation, from this day onwards, as God will give me the wisdom and power, I shall protect this brother of mine Charles, with aid or anything else, as one ought to protect one's brother, so that he may do the same for me, and I shall never knowingly make any covenant with Lothair that would harm this brother of mine Charles.
If Louis keeps the oath that he has sworn to his brother Charles, and Charles, my lord, on the other hand breaks it, and if I cannot dissuade him from it — neither I nor anyone that I can dissuade from it — then I shall not help him in any way against Louis")
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
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